German actuaries publish a position paper on the 2025 federal election

The early federal election in Germany is due on 23 February 2025. After the end of the so called traffic light coalition (based on the main colours of the three coalition parties Social Democats, Liberals and The Green Party), many reform projects have been left undone. DAV Chairman Dr Maximilian Happacher points to the need to reach decisions on numerous issues in the coming legislative period: ‘This election campaign is about making our country future-proof and secure at all levels and making economic and private risks manageable. We expect the next federal government to provide viable answers to the most pressing challenges. Particularly on issues that affect the prosperity, health, social security and safety of the population.’
The German actuaries focus on the following topics in their position paper: demographic change, pension provision, the financing of healthcare costs, AI regulation and climate protection. You can read more about this in the documents in the blue box (press release and position paper) or on the German website of the DAV and IVS.