AI - an opportunity for the insurance industry
Am Rande einer Podiumsdiskussion, die heute auf der DAV/DGVFM Jahrestagung in Berlin zum Thema „Was kann KI, was soll KI, was darf KI?“ stattfand, äußert During a panel discussion held today at the DAV/DGVFM Annual Meeting in Berlin on the topic of ‘What can AI do, what should AI do, what is AI allowed to do?’, Daniela Rode, DAV Board Member and Chair of the Actuarial Data Science Committee, commented on the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence, especially in the insurance industry: ‘We clearly see the positive aspects that go hand in hand with the possibilities of using AI.’ For example, a more comprehensive data basis linked to this could also provide information on preventive measures and thus minimise losses.
More on this topic on our german website.