Publications of the Committee

The Non-life Insurance Committee monitors developments and risks in the area of property/casualty insurance and prepares documents to provide actuaries working in this area with assistance in carrying out actuarial tasks.

Find out more about the technical principles and results reports of the Non-life Insurance Committee by selecting the General Insurance category in the relevant section of the website.

The ASTIN Section

ASTIN (Actuarial Studies in Non-life Insurance) was founded in 1957 as the first section of the International Actuarial Association (IAA). Its primary objective is promoting and fostering actuarial research, in particular into non-life insurance topics.

The ASTIN Section meetings take place twice a year during the Annual Meeting of the DAV and DGVFM at the end of April and the Autumn Meeting in November. Participation in the meetings is open to any interested party and is not restricted to members of the DAV or the DGVFM.