Publikum einer Tagung der DAV & DGVFM

Understanding risks - creating security

The Actuarial Profession

Actuaries calculate the future. They use their expertise particularly in the world of insurance and finance - and their areas of activity within the value chain are very diverse. Their core competence in all areas is to assess risks and make them manageable in a constantly changing world.

Actuaries deal with new developments and the interpretation of data. Their work therefore fulfils a social mission as well as a scientific one.

The focus of the DAV as a professional organisation representing actuaries lies in the best possible promotion and support of our members on the one hand and in their competent representation vis-à-vis the industry, politics and the public on the other. Since our foundation in 1993, we have grown dynamically and today represent around 6,700 qualified experts.

Dennis Luppert, Aktuar DAV
I am pleased that, as an actuary, I can pursue my passion for solving puzzles and problems in my professional environment as well.
Dennis Luppert
Actuary in Life Insurance
Vera Bastheim, Aktuarin DAV
I work as an actuary, collaborating internationally with colleagues from all over the world. In particular, actuarial notation is consistent globally, and I find it fascinating to combine language and mathematics.
Vera Bastheim
Actuary in Re-Insurance
Matthias Dietsche, Aktuar DAV
The actuarial training has provided me with deep insights into the mechanisms and processes of the insurance industry. It has helped me understand what holds this complex system together at its core, as well as how to combine solid actuarial knowledge with modern technology.
Matthias Dietsche
Actuary in Consulting
Maren Schmidt, Aktuarin DAV
As an actuary, I am passionate about using my analytical skills to solve complex problems and make a significant contribution to corporate planning.
Maren Schmidt
Actuary in Consulting
Frank Eisenbarth, Aktuar DAV
As an actuary, I appreciate using my analytical skills in modelling. Statistical models help to assess risks and opportunities, support strategic decisions and promote the long-term success of a company.
Frank Eisenbarth
Actuary in Life Insurance
Stephanie Köneke, Aktuarin DAV
I am fascinated by the combination of complex mathematical problems and economic contexts. The varied field of work enables me to combine analytical thinking with creative problem solving and thus make an important contribution to society.
Stephanie Köneke
Actuary in Re-Insurance
Marc Küther, Aktuar DAV
As an actuary, I help to make funded pension provision and risk protection attractive and secure.
Marc Küther
Actuary in Life Insurance
Alena Keil, Aktuarin DAV
I enjoy working as an actuary because I make sure that life insurance companies reliably support people in difficult times. I also appreciate the pleasant working atmosphere and the exciting challenges.
Alena Keil
Actuary in Life Insurance

General framework conditions for actuaries

Membership of the DAV means far more than just proof of a qualification acquired through examinations. The comprehensive set of professional rules complements the association's own training and ensures the high value of the title “Actuary DAV”.

By joining our association, members undertake to comply with the Code of Professional Conduct, which guarantees the independence, objectivity, professional competence and integrity of actuaries in the exercise of their professional activities and thus establishes the trust of employers and clients as well as the reputation of the profession in the public eye. The high level of professional competence is underpinned in particular by the DAV's professional principles in the sense of concrete professional standards for the actuarial profession. In the event of violations, members are subject to disciplinary regulations. As a self-regulating profession, we have thus earned a high reputation.

In accordance with the Code of Professional Conduct, actuaries are also obliged to maintain and continuously expand the current level of knowledge required to practise their profession through appropriate continuing education programmes. Through our membership of the international actuarial umbrella organisations Actuarial Association of Europe and International Actuarial Association, we also guarantee that the training and further education requirements meet international standards, making it easier for them to be recognised beyond national borders.

The DAV maintains a continuing education directory for all members who have undergone continuing education and have consented to the publication of their name. If you would like to find out whether a member fulfils the DAV's further training requirements, you can check this with the help of the following form.

More on our professional framework can be found here

International Networking

 - of strategic importance for DAV

All about the international work of the association
Abschied vom ICA 2018 in Berlin
Ausschusssitzung in der Geschäftsstelle

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