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Head office

 Content Editor ‭[1]‬

​Head office

The joint office of DAV, DGVFM, IVS and DAA is located in the heart of Cologne. If you have any questions about our organizations or ideas and suggestions for our work, please feel free to contact us.

Our adress:

Hohenstaufenring 47–51
50674 Cologne
Tel.: 0221/912 554-0
Fax: 0221/912 554-44



Michael Steinmetz (CEO)
Birgit Kaiser (Managing Director)
​0221/912 554 -110

0221/912 554-210
Management German Actuarial Academy (DAA)
Henning Wergen (Managing Director) ​​0221/912 554-310
​Management Assistent
Marion Krämer ​0221/912 554-105
​Secretariat & Event Logistics
Antje Weiss
Claudia Daum
Christine Hambuch
​0221/912 554-101
0221/912 554-102
0221/912 554-103
​Project Management
Michael Dicke
Martin Oymanns
​0221/912 554-121
​0221/912 554-151
Exams & Membership
Tim Kampmann
​​0221/912 554-131
​​IT Coordination & Application administration
Sascha Lohnert ​​0221/912 554-132
​​Member Management
Michaela Stahl
​​0221/912 554-133
​Actuarial Department and Professionalism
Theofilos Gouloumis
Sinem Sarma-Günes
Nadine Kolodziej
0221/912 554-225
0221/912 554-226
0221/912 554-227
​Press & Communications Martin Brandt
Constanze Arnold
Ines Jochum
Gesa Sevenich
Mariella Linkert
Birte Trautwein
0221/912 554-231
0221/912 554-232
0221/912 554-233
0221/912 554-234
0221/912 554-236
0221/912 554-237
​International Affairs & Relationship Management
Dr. Daniel Jung
0221/912 554-241
Dr. Verena Reiter
0221/912 554-251
Conference Management Helene Freund
Jessica Jeschkeit
Carolin Zinßer
​0221/912 554-321
0221/912 554-322
0221/912 554-323
Events Professional Education Dagmar Heimstadt ​0221/912 554-331
Events Education
Annette Peter
Myrjam Santos
0221/912 554-332
​0221/912 554-333
​Quality Management Education & Professional Education
Vanessa Warmbold-Jaquinet ​​0221/912 554-351
​Controlling &
Joanna Brühl
Mona Böger
Richard Hein
0221/912 554-141
​0221/912 554-142
0221/912 554-143
​​​European Actuarial Academy (EAA) Markéta Zuzanek
Susanne Kade
Susanne Bauer
0221/912 554-341
0221/912 554-342
0221/912 554-343

 Content Editor ‭[3]‬

If you have any questions regarding the headoffice or the different departments please don't hesitate to contact us (

 Content Editor ‭[2]‬


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Annual meetings
Autumn meetings
ICA 2018

Practice areas
The European Actuary
European Actuarial Journal